Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Bridge Travels: A Photolog 1.4

Three Shades of Blue | Location: Somerset, Massachusetts

The name of the town, Somerset, reminds me of W. Somerset Maugham, whose literary works were introduced to me in high school. While the Fifty Shades triology may be have sold more than 70 million copies worldwide, it is still not on my reading list for spring-summer 2013. However, inspired by the first book's title is the title of this picture of the Braga Bridge (Charles M. Braga Jr. Memorial Bridge), which recently underwent a facelift from its lime green color to the new blue. With the blue waters and the blue skies in the backdrop, it fits the title 'Three Shades of Blue' perfectly.

The Charles M. Braga Jr. Memorial Bridge
(Photo by Peeyush Rohela)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Bridge Travels: A Photolog 1.3

In Milton, Massachusetts - "Another brick out of the wall"

Just a few years ago, in college, Pink Floyd's song, 'Another Brick in the Wall', resonated often in the lobby of the dorm, especially during the exam time. This track was released in 1979. In contrast, while listening to the news this morning about the rising tensions in the Korean peninsula, I thought how just one brick 'out of the wall' can stir the entire  world.

World affairs and generational music aside, this photo shows a small block of granite at the end of the railing of an arch bridge in Milton, dislodged from its original position. As with many older bridges, even this bridge has a non-standard guard rail transition.

Another Brick out of the Wall
(Photo by a colleague at Alfred Benesch & Co.)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Bridge Travels: A Photolog 1.2

In Dennis, Massachusetts - "Make a U-Turn where possible!"

The winter in Boston has been long and harsh this year. Cape Cod is nice in the summertime, it is nicer during winters. On a recent bridge inspection assignment in the cape, this picture was taken during lunchtime when the GPS said out loud: "Make a U-Turn where possible!" as my colleague and I drove towards the waterfront to partake the Tuscan pizza.

"Make a U-Turn when possible!"
(Photo by Peeyush Rohela)